
Interpersonal Communication around the World

Zaklady Mezilidske Komunikace (a Czech translation of Essentials of Human Communication, 6th edition) has just been published and arrived today (I’m very happy to say) and reminded me of something I read in an introductory interpersonal textbook: “formal study of interpersonal communication occurs almost exclusively in the United States.” This statement is simply untrue and gives the impression that people in other countries don't recognize the importance of interpersonal communication study. A few examples from my own books (and I’m sure other textbook authors could add their own examples): Three editions of my Interpersonal Communication Book have been published in Chinese (two by Chinese publishers and one by a Taiwan publisher), two editions of Messages have been published in French, and editions of Essentials of Human Communication and Human Communication (each dealing with interpersonal communication in some depth) have been published in Indonesian, Czech, and Greek as well as in adaptations published in New Zealand and Canada. The study of communication in all its forms is definitely not unique to the US; it is alive and well throughout the world.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I can personally confirm, as a university teacher in Czech Republic, that I use your book Essentials of Human Communication (the last 6th edition) in Czech version (spell.: Základy mezilidské komunikace).
I like this book very much, I appreciate as a teacher a large amount of activities that I can use with my students. Especially the last edition is very carefully prepared and I am grateful for that. Petra Ch.

Anonymous said...

And as a Communications student (both formally and informally) in New Zealand, I can definitely vouch for the fact that the study of all kinds of communication is alive and well down under!

Rams said...

It's a valid point that specialized communication training is not restricted to United States alone.

But I have a small doubt..

Being the first language in the US, do people born and brought up in the US require a separate training on communication alone?

