
How to Hold Your Own During a Conference

Here is a guest post on communication during conferences. Hope you like it.

How to Hold Your Own During A Conference


In the fast-paced world of business, every meeting is an important meeting.  Mobile applications and web conferencing makes any location a suitable location for a business meeting, and true success comes from being able to transition seamlessly from one environment to the next.  All the practice and preparation won't change the fact that how well you engage your peers is more important than the content of your presentation, or the polish of your pitch. 


Surviving the On-The-Spot Skype Interview


Holding your own in a conference boils down to holding your own in a conversation.  This means being able to act natural, confident, and relaxed while still focusing on the topic of the meeting.  More often than not, speaking comfortably and confidently comes from speaking with others – often. 


Conversing with others sounds easy enough – on the surface – but it doesn't always provide ample preparation for discussing detail-heavy business topics with the appropriate level of poise.  Scripted role-play may be okay for some training situations, but what about those times when an unanticipated question comes up? That's where simulation training comes in.


Practice Makes Perfect

  • Keep Cool – Practicing the art of dialogue and etiquette will result in a sense of confidence and poise which will help you keep a clear head in even the tensest of business meetings.  Great leaders are often marked by their ability to remain unflappable even when under fire, they weren't born that way, they practiced it until it looked easy. 
  • Anticipate Curve-balls – Today's job market is increasingly competitive, getting a job means standing out from the crowd. Most interviewers have not only mastered keeping a straight face and unreadable body language, but also delight in asking insightful questions which force you to shift mental gears quickly.
  • Organize Coherent Thoughts – Being heard and appreciated as part of the business team means being able to comprehend what your cohorts are saying while also preparing a coherent response. Practicing active listening allows you to touch upon the important points others have raised while also providing a resolution of your own. 


To keep up with the break-neck pace of today's high-tech business world, it's important to remain in step with the latest in business innovations.  Learning how to hold your own in a conference is just like learning a foreign language, which is why simulation training is so important for anyone wanting to maintain a competitive edge.


SimSource Inc. is a communication company that provides performance-based training and assessment services. Their mission is to provide customized actor-based training, assessment and consultation for a variety of industries such as health care providers, human resources, and law school. For more information visit www.simsourceinc.com.


Jennifer M. said...

Great post! I find that communicating during conferences (especially large ones) is extremely difficult! Practice definitely helps, and after speaking in front of large groups more frequently, I'm finding myself more at ease.

My last job hired a simulation training company and I was amazed by their assessment of my public speaking ability. I use their advice whenever I'm in a business meeting, no matter how small or large.

Thanks again for this post - great blog!

Vinny said...

Can someone explain what simulation training is??

Cal G. said...

I think simulation training involves well trained actors who create a work related scenario to better an employees speaking skills. Whether that scenarios mimics conferences, bedside manner at a hospital etc.

I experienced conference simulations through workshop training mandated by my employers. These simulations help to make sure my speaking skills are still sharp during a conference.
Hope that helped.
Thanks for posting

J. Manugas said...

It's true, no one really prepares you for conference calls. Everyone assumes you say what you have to say, hope you came across professional, and make peace with it. In actuality, your tone, mannerisms, and how you answer questions and convey answers greatly dictates your relationships with clients.

My current job made it a requirement to attend simulation training courses to brush up on my conference tone and etiquette. Doing so ensures a stronger partnership with your client.

Thanks for posting.

Joel said...

Are there open forums you can sign up for, or would I have to register through my company?


Kelly Miranda said...

I like the practice makes perfect section, very helpful, I will remember the pointers next time. Nice post, thanks!

Unknown said...

I have the worst luck in meetings and conferences. I can feel the tension during negotiations and I get so uncomfortable that I shut down. I think it’s because I’ve only been working for my company for 2 months, that I’m not used to the mediation process yet. :/

Unknown said...

I miss the old school phone conferences where you couldn’t see the person, just hear them. It was less nerve wracking. Now with technology catching up, everyone wants to Facetime, or Google Video Chat, Skype meet. Ugh Damn the Technology. Another good pointer, get a desk lamp to help illuminate yourself. That way you don’t look like a troll on your skype interview!

Unknown said...

I dunno, I love the Skype Interviews. It’s really nice to be able to see the person your interviewing, even if it be only online. This is especially important if it’s oversees. In Asian cultures it’s very important to be able to see your client.

Unknown said...

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